Gluten-Free Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup

GF Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup

1 cup Gluten Free Magic Mix

1/4 tsp. Onion Powder

3/4 cup canned Chicken Liquid (if not using canned chicken, use GF Chicken Broth)

1/4 cup canned Chicken, chopped (if not using canned chicken, use baked Chicken Breast)

  • Add Magic Mix, onion powder and canned chicken liquid or chicken broth to a saucepan. Mix well.
  • Turn heat to medium and stir constantly until the mixture thickens (does not take very long).
  • Fold in 1/4 cup chopped chicken.

Use one recipe of this for each can of condensed cream of chicken soup called for in your recipe.

Gluten-Free Magic Mix and Onion Powder mixture.

3/4 cup Chicken "Juice" which is actually all of the water from a 13-oz. can of chicken.

See the bottom of this post for the canned chicken I used…

Homemade Gluten-Free Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup (this is a photo of the soup that has been the fridge overnight).

Homemade GF Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup (this is a photo of the soup that is fresh on the stove).

Comparison time:

This is just funny to me: this was the ONLY piece of chicken in the whole can! LOL! I had also forgotten over the years that it was yellow... If want to yellow up the homemade version, add some ground Turmeric and get an added health benefit!

Just so you know I didn't add food coloring to the above photo...

I have found that anywhere from 10-oz. to 10 3/4-oz. of the homemade version works fine in recipes.

I am not even going to say anything! 😉

Onward and upward…

For the canned chicken, I used a 13-0z. can of:

What I do to store leftover canned chicken:

By freezing the leftover canned chicken in ice cube trays covered with water, you will eliminate freezer burn and the funky texture that can result from freezer burn! I use one or two “cubes” of chicken that has been thawed and drained in future batches of condensed cream of chicken soup.

Also, when I make chicken salad or something else that calls for canned chicken, instead of discarding the liquid, I freeze it in ice cube trays too, then thaw several cubes for the soup recipe once I get a surplus!