Happy Mother’s Day

I made this cake in honor of all of my “Super Mom” friends out there for Mother’s Day.  I adore you all, and appreciate your collaboration, friendship and support.

This is Jeanne’s (of Four Chickens) Gluten-Free Tres Leche Cake, that I told you about yesterday.  I made it last night so I would not have to be in the kitchen today.

I had my first slice for breakfast...

and my second slice for lunch...

Then my husband sent me off for a facial and a massage.  I was either so relaxed from getting pampered for a few hours or I was still on some kind of sugar high from the best gluten-free scratch cake I have ever made (thank you, Jeanne!), because I didn’t even realize that I left the salon with my shirt on inside out and backwards. 😀

You know what?  I didn’t even care.

Because I came home to this:

Sam and Luke built an amazing battle scene for me (and I was the “princess” they were fighting over!).  I love having boys. 😉

I hope you all had a very special day with the ones you love.

10 Responses

  1. Happy Mothers Day! What a truly memorable honor for your boys’ battle scenes to be for you!

  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

    I was so touched when I got home to this masculine display of affection! 🙂 I was absolutely amazed at their focus and creativity.

  3. How fun! sounds like you had a wonderful day and your cake looks a-mazing!!! Love me some 4chickens! Just made her pancakes and her graham crackers too. soooo good! =0)

  4. Happy Mother’s Day! I love that battle scene.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  6. That cake looks amazing! Great job! I will have to check out 4Chickens blog 🙂
    Happy Mother’s Day!! You are a great mom to your boys that much I know for sure!!

  7. What an awesome cake! What a great day – massage?! Love the Mom song. 🙂

  8. That cake looks great!! And so glad you had a wonderful Mother’s day!

  9. Heidi – The cake looks wonderful!!! I had never heard about Tres Leches before I moved to NM so I may have to try it some time soon. Now I know who to call! ha!

  10. Renee… this cake is dangerous. It is best to make it then take it somewhere to share it. Otherwise, you just may eat the entire thing yourself, like I almost did!

    How many chickens do you have now?

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